Pickin In The Pasture

Making of Our Cara Beer

Every year Cara staff, patrons and community volunteers help in the growing of the growing of the hops from tying up the binds to training the hops and picking the hops to go off to the brewery for brewing our annual signature beer that a portion of the proceeds goes to The Dover Children's Home.

Hanging the binds

Hanging the binds

Hanging the Binds

Hanging the Binds

A bit of hop discussions

A bit of hop discussions

Hanging the binds

Hanging the binds

Training the hops

Training the hops

Looking for a tasty snack in the hop field

Looking for a tasty snack in the hop field

Hanging the binds

Hanging the binds

Binds are hung

Binds are hung

Hops field wildlife

Hops field wildlife

Time to pick the hops, check out the length of this vine

Time to pick the hops, check out the length of this vine

It takes a lot of hops to brew beer

It takes a lot of hops to brew beer

At the brewer

At the brewer

Cooking up the recipe

Cooking up the recipe

Let's test the brew

Let's test the brew

A little helper with delivering the vines to the pickers

A little helper with delivering the vines to the pickers

The hops field fairy fort

The hops field fairy fort

Fairy Fort

Fairy Fort

Even hard work can be fun!

Even hard work can be fun!

That is a lot of vines to be picked!

That is a lot of vines to be picked!

A bit of hop infusion

A bit of hop infusion

This is where the recipes are made and brewed

This is where the recipes are made and brewed

Our 2nd batch of Pickin in the Pasture

Our 2nd batch of Pickin in the Pasture

Helping in the hop field

Helping in the hop field

Hops field in full bloom!

Hops field in full bloom!

The hops are coming along nicely!

The hops are coming along nicely!

That is a beautiful healthy hops!

That is a beautiful healthy hops!

Our beer family and community helpers pickin the hops

Our beer family and community helpers pickin the hops

All bagged up and ready to go to the brewer.

All bagged up and ready to go to the brewer.

Our 1st batch of Pickin in the Pasture

Our 1st batch of Pickin in the Pasture

Now we get to drink it!

Now we get to drink it!