
In the Irish Language "Cara" means "Friend". Here at "Cara" we believe there is no such person as a stranger, only a "friend" we have not met

Supporting Local Artists- The 32 Counties of Ireland hand painted by Tricia Sanborn

Supporting Local Artists- The 32 Counties of Ireland hand painted by Tricia Sanborn

O'Dowd Coat of Arms

Local Artist-Tricia Sanborn

O'Dowd Coat of Arms
Cara, Dover's Community Pub

Cara, Dover's Community Pub

Cara, as a house of Irish tradition, cultures and community-has a mission to share their traditions, values, stories, and Irish pub culture with the people of Dover.

This experience; the culture of the Irish pub as a community gathering place, a place for fun, food and friendship- is the mission of Cara. We want to bring you the parts of Ireland we love to share, and hope to inspire your love of Ireland!

Come experience the food, art, music, stories, friendship and fun that are at the heart of Dover's Community Pub

The Story of Cara

The Story of Cara

Cara's own beer-hops grown locally & harvested by us

Our 'Pickin in the Pasture' Fresh hop Ale volume 3 is complete!
Once again, we grew our own hops, and harvested them with the help of Cara's Beer family-the patrons of Cara who helped pick the hops, Gorham Hop Farm for the use of their hop picking machine and wisdom. And Northwood Brewery's great team.

The Dover Children's Home has been a part of Dover for over 100 years doing fantastic work for children in need. They have been able to do this with the continued help of the community, which we are very happy to be a major supporter. The Pickin in the Pasture beer is a fundraising effort for the Dover Children's Home. This fundraising effort for the Dover Children's Home. This fundraising effort we are currently running is one example of the many ways we try to help our Dover community.

You can help support this worthy cause and enjoy great beer from locally grown hops! Stop by Cara Today!

The Story of Cara

The Story of Cara

Mom's Garden Living Art Project

Mom's Garden. A ten year legacy art project to celebrate Mothers.
How do we ever truly thank our moms for everything they do for us? How do we express our love and gratitude for a lifetime of love an care for our moms? We wanted a visible tribute, a way to proudly declare how much we in Dover care about our moms. A living are project, visible to everyone was our idea. Mom's Garden. a visual garden made up of characters visible on the side of the building in which Cara Irish Pub resides.

Each ear we will add new characters to the garden, and they will be displayed for all to see. We hae prints of the new are available to sign by anyone who comes to our Spring Art Faire, and they can sign the largest Mother's day card in New England, one that grows every year! We will then b=put that years art up on the building. Mom's Garen will be complete in 2032.

  • Cara Irish Pub & Restaurant

    11 Fourth Street
    Dover, NH 03820


    Call Us
    Phone: (603) 343-4390

    Mon: 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM
    Tue: 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM
    Wed: 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM
    Thu: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
    Fri: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
    Sat: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
    Sun: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM

  • Cara Chameleon

    11 Fourth Street
    Dover, NH 03820


    Call Us
    Phone: (603) 343-4390